michael scott and leslie knope approved

22 April 2014

My First Herb Garden

Happy Earth Day! And to celebrate the holiday, I present my very first herb garden! I admit, I'm probably way too proud of this little guy. I've been showing everyone (co-workers, family members, even our dog, Pepper) pictures of it, hoping for an exclamation of "Holy bananas! That's one incredible herb garden! You must be the herb whisperer or something!"

Let me begin by saying, I definitely do not have a green thumb. In fact, I don't have a green appendage anywhere on this body. But I've been dreaming about starting my own herb garden ever since I realized I don't actually have to pay $4 every time I need a bunch of basil. So a few weeks ago, I decided to give it a try.

It started out innocently enough, just a pot of basil and thyme at first. But I became seriously addicted. Next thing I knew, I had pots of rosemary and cilantro and even mint (yes, mint! that tricky little sucker!). And let me tell you (being the herb whisperer and all) that if I've learned anything in the last few weeks of herb gardening, it's these three things:

1. Do not overwater your herbs until they're drowning. Sorry dill, you'll be missed.
2. Get a little protector gnome and hope these little guys survive the crazy Texas weather.
3. Food tastes so much better with fresh (and basically free!) herbs.

"I got yo' back, herbs." - G' Nome
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