michael scott and leslie knope approved

06 October 2013

Fossil Rim

Kyle planned a special trip to Fossil Rim for us this weekend. He used to go a lot as a child and wanted to share the experience with me and Emily. I was ridiculously excited. I'm kind of obsessed with animals. As you can see, Kyle packed our lunches.

Basically, you drive around and can see the animals from your car. You can purchase some food for the animals and use it to lure them toward you so you can pet them.

The emu was pretty frightening, I'm not going to lie.

These guys though, total dolls.

I was MOST excited about the giraffes. They did not disappoint.

There's also a petting station where you can pet and brush some of the animals.

Finally, the zebras. Thank you for posing for me, sweet zebras.
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