michael scott and leslie knope approved

15 June 2014

Happy Ned Stark Day!

Happy Father's Day and Game of Thrones season finale to everyone! 

I hope you're having a good weekend! We've been pretty busy here celebrating. Yesterday, I had lunch and went suit shopping with my dad for the wedding. He wasn't too happy being forced to shop, but he looks so handsome in his suit! I can't wait for him to walk me down the aisle.

Today, Emily and I took Kyle out for some brunch and Putt Putt golfing. Kyle recently hurt his knee "dropping like it's hot." I must be joking. I'm not. He literally popped his knee out while dancing at our wedding shower (Feel free to laugh. I still make fun of him for it.) so we couldn't stay out too late golfing but it was still a ton of fun. More pictures to come later!

Also tonight, we're going to a friend's house to watch the Game of Thrones season finale. I made some Ned Stark cake pops to celebrate both occasions! I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with this, but then I realized someone else did too...well at least it's more fitting for today! See, I can be cool sometimes! You can learn how to make them here.
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