I'm having a hard time figuring out the right words to describe my dad and how important he is to me. So what I'm writing here is probably already an injustice to him, but I'll try my best regardless.
My father is selfless. He is the kind of father who does things for his daughters without any agenda. He requires, no, he prefers no recognition. He is the kind of father who forgets birthdays and holidays, because he believes that people should be celebrated everyday. He has a hard time expressing himself and often is not the first to say, "I love you," but he is always supportive and there if you need him.
My father is also one of my greatest teachers. Throughout my life, he has taught me to love people while being cautious of those who may hurt me. He has taught me to work hard, be brave, and to live life with a good sense of humor. Finally, he has taught me to live simply and to find value in what is most important in life.
Although I didn't realize it when I was younger, my dad loves me wholeheartedly and selflessly. His only desire in life was to make sure that I was safe, strong, and happy. I focused too much on what he didn't do and not what he did for me silently. Because of him, I am proud of the person I have become, and I can say without any doubt that I am truly happy. Thank you for everything you have and continue to do for me.
I love you, Daddy.
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